Merry Christmas Sistas!

Holidays-resized Merry Christmas Sistas!

At this time of year, life can be rather hectic. People are trying to travel home to the family, shopping centres are open to midnight to cater for the retail demand and social media is flooded with festive cooking and season greetings. But at this time of year, I like to take a moment to stop and reflect on what I am grateful for and the journey I have had over the past 12 months.

When I pause to reflect on the journey of the blog “Sista With Style” in 2015 I note that it has been a very short one as it’s only been up and running for just under 7 weeks. None the less, so many great things have happened in that 7 weeks.

Here is a short summary for you:

  • Over 120 Facebook followers
  • Over 75 Instagram followers
  • Photoshoot with Selina at Scribbly Inc. Photography
  • Oprah shared her words of wisdom with me and about 10 000 other people from Brisbane
  • Millers ‘re-grammed’ one of the Instagram images nation-wide to tell Australia that they had the denim dress I was wearing back in stock
  • Plans are in place for my very first private fashion viewing for Lisa Kerr Designs  in January 2016
  • Subscriptions to the blog now available
  • Advertising on the blog now available
  • 7 Fashion blogs
  • 2 Beauty blogs
  • 2 Lifestyle blogs
  • And a partridge in a pear tree! (Just checking to see if you are reading this far down – ha ha).

I think that’s a great effort and an awesome start to a brand-spanking new blog, especially considering that as a primary school teacher you need to dedicate a large amount of time to writing report cards at this time of year.

I am extremely grateful to everyone who has supported me so far in this little venture. I have been very overwhelmed and humbled by the kind words and encouragement from so many, too many to list here. To those people, I THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. I hope that our relationship and the SWS community continues to grow from strength to strength in 2016.

Lastly, to the readers out there… THANK YOU for taking a few moments out of your day to read my ramblings and even to make comments on them (or the social media posts). These small words are very valuable to me and I appreciate you and the words you write.

With all that reflecting now done, there’s only one more thing to say…. I hope that wherever you are, whatever you are doing this holiday season, that it is filled with an abundance of love and much merriment, and that 2016 is a very prosperous, safe and happy one.

Merry Christmas to you all, Sistas!

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