An African Holiday with a Conscience – The African Blog Series – Part 2
Holidays are great ways for seeing the world, crossing things off your bucket list and a great opportunity for some ‘you-time’. But it’s becoming increasingly popular these days for travellers to seek more…
The importance of “Bucket Lists” – The African Blog Series – Part 1
Life is precious. You only live once, right? After surviving cancer, that belief of living life to the fullest and how important it is to do those once-in-a-lifetime things hits home just that…
Do beauty products have an expiry date?
Ok…. Admit it…. Hands up if you have ever spent decent money on some fancy beauty product, only to have it sit in the bathroom cupboard or drawer for ever and a day,…
Hello World!
Well…. here it is. My first REAL blog in the REAL world. Those of you who have gone before me, know exactly how I feel. It’s kind of like having stage-fright. That butterfly…